“A Pharos platform, which collects and processes reports of hateful content on the internet, has received more than 4,000 alerts, more than 300 have been forwarded to the courts so that the perpetrators can be found and punished”, revealed French Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, in statements to deputies at Parliament in Paris, during a debate on the international situation.

On October 17th, the French Government declared that it had registered “183 arrests” in France for “anti-Semitic acts” since October 7th, as well as “327 anti-Semitic acts” and “3,176 reports” on the Pharos platform, 281 of which were submitted to appreciation of justice.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a particularly sensitive issue in France, where the cause of Palestinians in general, and Gazans in particular, has historically been defended by some left-wing parties.

The country is also home to the largest Jewish community in Europe (around 500,000 people) and around six million people of Muslim faith or tradition.

The debate on the conflict became particularly heated after the bloody attacks by the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas against Israel, on October 7, in which more than 1,400 people were killed, most of them civilians, and 212 Israeli and foreign people were kidnapped.

In the Gaza Strip, controlled by Hamas, more than 5,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including around 2,000 children, died as a result of Israeli retaliatory bombings, according to the Palestinian movement.

Read Also: United States warns that ceasefire would benefit Hamas

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2425755/justica-francesa-detem-mais-de-300-pessoas-por-atos-antissemitas

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