ASome families in Gaza are putting bracelets on their children to make it easier to recognize their bodies if they are victims of bombings.

Ali El-Daba, 40, said he saw bodies shattered beyond recognition after Israeli bombings. Therefore, the man decided to divide the family so that they would not die together in a single attack, according to Reuters. The wife, Lina, stayed with two of the children in northern Gaza and the man moved with the remaining three children to Khan Younis, in southern Gaza.

El-Daba said he prepared for the worst and therefore bought blue bracelets for all family members. “If something happens, I’ll recognize them that way,” he said.

Other families in Gaza were also using the bracelet method or writing names on arms, so that body recognition would eventually be easier.

Palestinians in Gaza have been burying unidentified bodies in mass graves, with a number instead of a name.

Read Also: The search for survivors and the fight to (survive) to live. This is Gaza

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