These include the desired exit from NATO and the European Union, but also the abolition of the euro. Only nine percent of Germans are in favor of leaving NATO. An overwhelming 88 percent oppose it.

87 percent are against leaving the EU – only 10 percent are in favor. At least 15 percent are in favor of reintroducing the D-Mark – but here, too, 82 percent voted against the demand. The results of the survey suggest that many who would vote for the AfD are actually against central themes of the right-wing populist party.

Slender majority for reintroduction of conscription

Only the AfD demand for the reintroduction of conscription finds more approval. A narrow majority of 57 percent agree with this demand in the survey. The AfD is not alone in this either – the majority of supporters of the Union also want conscription back.

Federal party conference of the AfD in Magdeburg started

The AfD met on Friday in Magdeburg for its federal party conference. Around 600 delegates discuss the course of the party there. The core question is whether the AfD will join the Identity and Democracy (ID) party at European level. Although most AfD officials support either a retreat towards an economic union or Germany leaving the European Union, many of them are pushing for the list of candidates for next June’s European elections. Party circles in Magdeburg said they were expecting well over 100 applicants. MEP Maximilian Krah is considered a promising candidate for the top spot.


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