“NI don’t know why Mr Stoltenberg said such a thing, I think we have to be very careful”, Georgia Meloni told a television channel today.

Previously, Italy’s deputy prime ministers, Antonio Tajani and Matteo Salvini, had rejected these possibilities. Salvini even called for the resignation of NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, if he does not “retract or apologize”.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz also rejected this possibility, stating that there are “clear rules that have been agreed with Ukraine and that work”, during a conversation with citizens at the ‘Democracy Festival’ (which celebrates 75 years of the German Basic Law). , in Berlin.

Scholz stressed that he wants to “avoid a big war”, admitting the fear of an escalation of the conflict if Kiev uses German and Western weapons to achieve Russian military objectives.

NATO’s secretary general said Saturday, in a television interview with the weekly The Economist, that “the time has come for the allies to evaluate the possibility of eliminating certain restrictions on the use of the weapons they supply to Ukraine.”

Stoltenberg considered that “denying Ukraine the possibility of using these weapons against military targets of legitimate interests located on Russian territory makes everything much more difficult” for Ukrainian defense.

On Thursday, even before Stoltenberg’s interview, the Kremlin denounced calls by US politicians to authorize Ukraine to use weapons supplied by Washington to attack Russian territory and stressed that it would see this as an “escalation” of the conflict.

Kiev demands to be able to attack bases and rear positions located on Russian territory with Western weapons, which Europeans and Americans prohibit due to fear of causing an escalation of the conflict.

Read Also: At least 16 dead in new attack in Kharkiv

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2568802/alemanha-e-italia-recusam-uso-de-armas-fornecidas-a-kyiv-contra-russia

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