Cith the so-called ‘surrogacy’, according to the Italian Prime Minister, “a transnational market feeds itself, making [tal prática] as an act of love.”

“No one can convince me that renting your body is freedom. It’s not an act of love, it’s seeing the child as a product,” said the leader of the Italian far right.

Giorgia Meloni made these statements during her speech at the conference “Towards a young Europe: demographic transition, environment, future”.

The Prime Minister’s party, Brothers of Italy, presented a bill so that surrogacy is considered a universal crime in Italy and cannot be practiced by Italians abroad, with prison sentences of up to two years and a fine of 600 thousand to one million euros.

Already approved by the Senate, it now needs to be ratified by the Chamber of Deputies.

Meloni also referred to the demographic challenge, “an absolute priority” for his Government, as it “has the responsibility to guarantee a future” for Italy, which has an average of 1.24 children per couple.

“No concrete intervention will be enough if we do not reverse the narrative that has been told for years about bringing a child into the world: that it would compromise freedom, dreams, career and, in some cases, beauty,” said the Prime Minister .

“I believe that these surreal theses, old and new, risk dragging Italy and Europe to the edge of the precipice,” he added, stating that it is necessary to “build a society that respects birth.”

“Sometimes it seemed that guaranteeing equal opportunities meant erasing differences. I don’t think so, I think the opposite. Guaranteeing equal opportunities means guaranteeing women and men that it is equally possible to achieve in terms of career, salary, aspirations and freedom, aware of the specificity of each person”, he highlighted.

Meloni added that “being parents implies assuming responsibilities that must be equal and shared, but that cannot erase the specificity of the relationship between mother and father.”

Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing government has always defended the traditional family, made up of father and mother, and a few months ago the Ministry of the Interior sent an ordinance to city councils to block the registration of children of same-sex couples.

Read Also: Migrations. Michel and Meloni highlight the importance of involving countries


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