The power of a passport is measured by the number of countries it allows you to travel to without a visa. Every year, various indexes rank the world’s passports, highlighting those that offer the greatest freedom of movement. We tell you about the most powerful passport in the world in 2024, and the position that Colombia occupies in this ranking.

The most powerful passport in the world in 2024

According to the Henley & Partners index, The most powerful passport in the world in 2024 is shared by several countries: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore and Spain. These allow their holders to travel to 194 destinations without the need for a visa. This position reflects the diplomatic strength and international relations of these countries, facilitating access to a wide range of global destinations.

The world’s least powerful passport in 2024

At the opposite end of the spectrumThe least powerful passport in the world in 2024 is Afghanistan’s. Afghan citizens can travel without a visa to only 28 destinations. This limitation is due to several factors, including political instability and restricted diplomatic relations with other countries.

Where is Colombia ranked?

The Colombian passport has improved significantly in recent years. In 2024, Colombia ranks 38th in the global passport ranking. This allows citizens to travel without a visa to 135 countries. This development reflects the country’s efforts to strengthen its international relations and improve the mobility of its citizens.

The list of the most powerful passports at least

  • France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, Spain: 194 visa-free destinations.
  • South Korea, Finland, Luxembourg: 193 visa-free destinations.
  • Denmark, Austria, Netherlands, United Kingdom: 192 visa-free destinations.
  • Sweden, Portugal, Ireland: 191 visa-free destinations.
  • United States, New Zealand: 190 visa-free destinations.
  • Afghanistan: 28 visa-free destinations.
  • Irak: 31 visa-free destinations.
  • Syria: 29 visa-free destinations.
  • Pakistan: 34 visa-free destinations.
  • Yemen: 35 visa-free destinations.

Factors that influence the power of a passport

  1. Diplomatic relations: Bilateral and multilateral agreements play a crucial role in the number of destinations accessible without a visa.
  2. Political stability: Countries with more tend to have more powerful passports.
  3. Economic development: Strong economies tend to have more diplomatic influence, which translates into greater freedom of movement for their citizens.


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