“TWe are afraid to see this number increase even more in the morning”, added Youssef Abou Rich.

On Saturday, the hospital announced that 39 premature babies were still in Al-Shifa and that nurses were performing “hand breathing massages” to keep them alive.

A doctor from the NGO Doctors Without Borders (MSF) also indicated that 17 patients were in intensive care.

The United Nations today denounced at least 137 attacks “against healthcare” in Gaza since the start of the war with Israel, actions it classifies as “a violation of international humanitarian law and conventions.”

“In the last 36 days, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recorded at least 137 attacks against healthcare in Gaza,” said the United Nations (UN) agency for the Eastern Mediterranean, in a joint statement with delegations regional offices of UNICEF – United Nations Children’s Fund and UNFPA – United Nations Population Fund, cited by EFE.

According to the note, these attacks caused the death of 521 people, including 16 humanitarian workers, and left almost 700 injured, including patients and healthcare professionals.

“Attacks on medical and civilian facilities are unacceptable and constitute a violation of international humanitarian and human rights law and conventions. They cannot be tolerated,” the agencies said.

The organizations also say they were “horrified” by the recent attacks against Al Shifa Hospital – the largest in Gaza -, Al Rantissi Nasser Pediatric Hospital, Al Quds Hospital and others located in the city and in the north of the Palestinian enclave, where ” Many people died, including children.”

These entities received reports of deaths of “premature babies and newborns who were receiving life support” due to power cuts and fuel exhaustion, a resource that Israel prevents from entering the enclave for fear that it will be used by the Hamas group.

On October 7, Hamas – classified as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union and Israel – carried out an attack of unprecedented dimensions on Israeli territory, killing more than 1,200 people, most of them civilians, and more than 200 hostages. which he holds captive in the Gaza Strip.

Israel then began strong retaliation against that poor Palestinian enclave, controlled by Hamas since 2007, with cuts in the supply of food, water, electricity and fuel and daily bombings, followed by a ground offensive that completed the siege on Thursday. city ​​of Gaza.

This conflict caused at least 11,000 deaths in the Gaza Strip and 1,400 in Israel.

Read Also: Israel claims that Macron clarified statements about the war

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2439491/hamas-diz-que-cinco-bebes-prematuros-morreram-devido-a-falta-de-energia

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