A baby ‘miracle’, who was born in the rubble of a building in Syria, after the earthquakes that struck the country in February, is in good health, loves his adoptive family and likes to smile even at strangers, revealed the adoptive father.

Baby Afraa, with dark hair, survived 10 hours under rubble after the February 6 earthquake crushed her parents and four siblings to death in the northern Syrian city of Jinderis. When she was found, her umbilical cord was still attached to her mother, Afraa Abu Hadiya.

At the time, her story captivated the world and people from all over the world offered to adopt her.

After spending days in a hospital in northern Syria, Afraa was discharged and handed over to her paternal aunt and husband, who adopted her and are raising her along with their five daughters and two sons.

Afraa was handed over to her aunt’s family days after a DNA test was carried out to ensure that the girl and her aunt were related, her adoptive father, Khalil al-Sawadi, told The Associated Press. “This girl is my daughter. She is exactly like my children”, underlined the adoptive father.

According to her father, when Afraa grows up, she will tell him the story of how she was saved and how her parents and siblings died in the earthquake. If you don’t tell him, he said his wife or children will.

It is recalled that the day after the baby arrived at the hospital, the staff named her Aya – in Arabic, it means “a sign from God”. After her aunt’s family adopted her, she was given a new name, Afraa, in honor of her late mother.

Days after Afraa was born, her adoptive mother gave birth to a daughter, Attaa. Since then, she has breastfed both babies. “Afraa drinks milk and sleeps most of the day,” reported al-Sawadi.

“We are very happy with her, because she reminds us of her parents and brothers. She is very similar to her father and sister Nawara”, he added.

Also Read: Thousands in Critical Situation 6 Months After Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2376408/felizes-nasceu-nos-escombros-de-terramoto-na-siria-e-ja-tem-6-meses

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