In its annual report on the fight against narcotics, The United States made a harsh diagnosis of President Gustavo Petro’s anti-drug policy. From North America they assured that There is no budget clarity and they asked to maintain the eradication.

Shortly after 6 months after the Petro government launched its new anti-drug policy, the State Department questions it. Ensures that the implementation will face budget obstaclesthat it is not known where the resources will come from and that There is no high-level body that can guarantee that its implementation is effective.

“It doesn’t surprise me at all, because the United States has been in favor of forced eradication for 40 years and what they say about the lack of budget clarity, the lack of clarity of command and decision, Well, unfortunately, it is a characteristic of many issues in Petro’s government.“said Adam Isacson, director of the Wola defense oversight program.

To prevent the trend of illicit crops from continuing to increase, Joe Biden’s administration calls for an expansion in rural development and security. As well as increasing voluntary eradication, maintaining forced eradication and increasing interdiction, a task that the Navy defends and highlights.

“We understand that the numbers are, perhaps, not enough for some external entity. But on the issue of the Navy, if we see the results, they are those that are on the table, are available and that, as I said before, We have been increasing each year by a large percentage with the results of the seizure of cocaine and marijuana”, stressed Admiral Francisco Cubides, commander of the National Navy.

In any case, the tone of the report occurs in the middle of a year in which the presidential campaign in the United States could have its impact on Colombia if the fight against drugs is discussed.

“If cocaine becomes an issue that Donald Trump and his followers want to highlight, then yes, Biden will probably look for a way to distance himself from Petro’s politics“Isacson added.

The State Department highlights the solid cooperation with Colombia, however, remembers that it is the main producer and exporter of cocaine in the world and that 97% of what is seized in the United States has Colombian origin.


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