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“It was on November 10, 2008 that the program Petits dishes en Équilibre was launched on TF1”. Laurent Mariotte’s first recipe? “A fig tart”he remembers on the airwaves of France Info, fifteen years later. Since then, the latter has continued to delight viewers with preparations, each one as tasty as the next. On the occasion of the publication of a brand new project, the culinary journalist spoke about the beginnings and ongoing development of this program which has become cult over the years.
And this one “has evolved quite a bit”, confirms Laurent Mariotte. To create his recipes, the culinary expert takes into account the change in French consumption.“There is perhaps a little less meat, more legumes, more cereals”he explains at the microphone of Célyne Baÿt-Darcourt. To immerse yourself in the heart of French gastronomy, the production “relocates [aussi] a lot of the show”. “I go to the regions every summer, increasingly outside our borders during the year. Now I’m coming back from Martinique, I’m probably going to go to Reunion as well”he also explains.
However, in fifteen years on the air, Laurent Mariotte’s goal remains the same: “reconnect [les Français] with everyday cooking, affordable cooking”. And this while avoiding reproducing the same recipe several times. According to him, it only happened once in fifteen years: “I made the gratin dauphinois twice but twice in different ways. Once when I cooked the potatoes in milk with the aromatics like Anne-Sophie Pic taught me to do for example. And then I do it like we all do in the oven with cream”, he reveals. His strong point? His creativity and his unwavering passion for French gastronomy. “Of course I sometimes turn around recipes because I have other techniques, other seasonings that come to me and I want to put them forward”, concludes Laurent Mariotte. And viewers appreciate it!