Union make force? According to the images captured by a security camera in Argentina, this saying does come true, because The community came together to prevent a motorcyclist providing a transportation service from being robbed by the passenger.

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According to the media Todo Noticias, the thief, who was wearing orange pants, contacted the driver of the motorcycle (in white pants) through the Didi platform. When they arrived at their destination, between Vienna and Compostela streets, The criminal removes the motorcyclist from the vehicle to take the means of transportation.

Once the victim gets off, he lunges at the thief and they begin a physical confrontation.

The criminal pointed a gun at the victim and fired several shots to intimidate her. But The motorcyclist defended himself, with fists, kicks and his helmet, to prevent the criminal from taking away the means of transportation with which he subsists.

The neighborhood community rose up

The images show how, after a few minutes of fighting between the victim and the perpetrator, the community came out with sticks to beat the thief. The journalists who narrated the event described the measure as a “novel beating.”

Some Internet users were curious that, while the community is beating the thief, blocks later a police patrol passes by and does not come close to corroborate what is happening.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/pidio-transporte-en-moto-por-una-app-y-cuando-quiso-robar-al-conductor-recibio-una-paliza-rg10

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