TV doctor Franziska Rubin: Four foods naturally lower your blood pressure

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About a quarter of the world’s population has high blood pressure. TV doctor Franziska Rubin explains which foods can naturally lower blood pressure.

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  • In the video attached above, a heart expert explains how you can lower your blood pressure without medication.

Permanently elevated blood pressure (over 140 / 90 mmHg) is one of the greatest risk factors for heart attacks and strokes. Over a longer period of time, it causes damage to the blood vessels, which in turn become narrower and stiffer.

Dyes, such as those found in dark berries or cocoa, keep the vessels supple and protect against inflammation, as does the supply of omega-3 fatty acids. The minerals potassium (found in vegetables and legumes) and magnesium (found in vegetables) also play an important role in blood pressure regulation.

Indigenous Kuna do not have high blood pressure

The Kuna, an indigenous people primarily settled on the Caribbean’s San Blas Islands, are world champions in drinking cocoa, at least five cups a day and more, from toddlers to the elderly. They take in a lot of flavanols every day, probably the highest levels in the world. Therein lies the secret of their healthy blood pressure, as scientists have discovered. Incidentally, cocoa also improves memory function.

These foods lower blood pressure

1. Cocoa

Cocoa is rich in flavanols, a group of phytochemicals that increase nitric oxide (NO) production in the body
stimulate vessels. This bioactive molecule dilates the vessels and provides elasticity. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Flavonoids protect the large arteries in the heart, brain and legs. Eat up to 30 g of dark chocolate (at least 70 percent cocoa content) daily or add cocoa nibs to your muesli.

To person

Franziska Rubin is a holistic doctor, TV presenter and best-selling author. Born in Hanover in 1968, the doctor with a doctorate moderated the MDR health magazine “Hauptsache Gesund” once a week from 1998 to 2015. Her special concern is to offer as many people as possible competent advice and help and to inform them about the fascinating possibilities of naturopathy and complementary medicine. After a four-year break, she has been living in Australia on Lake Ammer since mid-2019. Further information at

2. Linseed oil

Linseed oil contains plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, which are incorporated directly into the inner layer of the vessel wall, the endothelium. This makes the vessels more supple and at the same time protects against inflammation. With 1 tablespoon a day, your vessels are always well oiled.

3. Rotate Bete

This tuber vegetable boosts nitric oxide production just like cocoa, but via a different biochemical mechanism. The best way to drink the juice is to counteract or lower high blood pressure. In addition, betaine, another bioactive substance in the red miracle ball, acts as an antagonist to harmful homocysteine ​​and converts it into methionine. This avoids damage to the vessels and prevents cardiovascular diseases.

My Healthiest 15 Minute Recipes: Healing with Food

by Franziska Rubin, published by ‎Becker Joest Volk Verlag

Food is something very special. They not only provide us with energy, but also with a vast number of other substances that are vital for the body and protect it. What is on our plate has a direct influence on all processes in the organism – metabolism, cell renewal, the production of hormones, the immune system – and even on how information is processed in the brain.

Whether as a juice, salad or in a smoothie, beetroot should regularly enrich your diet. Broccoli, spinach and quinoa contain
also plenty of betaine.

4. Upholstery

The secondary plant substance 3-N-butylphthalide in celery relaxes the muscles in the blood vessels, causing them to dilate. A particularly large amount of it can be found in celery. Celery is also rich in potassium, which plays a key role in blood pressure regulation as a antagonist to sodium. Snack on some stalks of celery with a dip or make a smoothie. An infusion can be prepared from the seeds.

Other recommended foods

  • Fisch
  • linseed
  • Legumes (lentils, chickpeas, beans)
  • tomatoes

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