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As Doctor Saldmann explains on the microphone of RTL : “You should definitely not forget to clean your oven”.

Indeed, the traditional oven requires regular maintenance since during cooking, residues can accumulate and emit carcinogenic fumes dangerous to health. This box then becomes a real nest for microbes and can thus colonize fresh products: “You think you’re eating healthy and you’re doing yourself harm”, explains the specialist. To avoid this, washing is essential.

Even though modern ovens today have self-cleaning functions, it is essential to maintain your device on a daily basis. In the absence of this system, it is even more imperative to clean it manually. Don’t forget the glass, the plates or even the grills. The ideal is to clean it every week if possible.

More it is especially essential to do it after each use to remove residue, splashes or even food that could remain inside. To remove everything, clean your oven while it is still warm, this will make your job easier. All you then have to do is remove everything with a damp sponge.

You can also opt for baking soda to naturally strip your oven if necessary. However, this step can be avoided if your oven has a self-cleaning function. in the form of catalysis or pyrolysis, which corresponds to an increase in temperature which allows grease and residues to be destroyed.


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