The devastating Hurricane Beryl destroyed several vessels, port infrastructure and roads in Barbados on Monday afternoon, July 1, 2024, while Jamaica is already preparing to receive the impact of the first cyclone of the season in the Atlantic.

>> See more: What measures have been taken in Colombia in response to Hurricane Beryl?

Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley said in a message to the nation that Beryl sank more than 20 fishing boats, including the historic Jolly Roger and Dreamchaser vessels that sank at the bottom of the harbour.

He also said that two of the country’s main roads are impassable and that work is underway to restore traffic on them.

The president said it was still too early to know the extent of the damage to housing infrastructure.

“Reports speak of 40 homes with some type of damage, loss of roof, partial collapse or minor damage such as leaks in the roof. Although we hope that number will increase because we have more than 400 people in shelters and now that the go-ahead has been given for them to return to their homes”the Prime Minister declared.

Power outages after Hurricane Beryl

Regarding the power outages, Mottley said that both Barbados Light and Power and Barbados Water Authority, the companies responsible for the transmission and distribution of the energy network, were working to restore service in the coming hours.

Despite the damage sustained, Mottley urged the Barbadians “to give thanks, because the situation could have been much worse.”

Meanwhile, Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness told Jamaicans this afternoon that he is considering implementing orders under the Disaster Risk Management Act to provide the Executive with the necessary powers to respond quickly to the impact of Hurricane Beryl.

“Prevention is better than cure, please prepare for Hurricane Beryl. “I encourage all citizens to assess the threat to their surroundings and decide whether they need to evacuate,” the Jamaican president said in a message on his official account on social media X.

The Atlantic hurricane season, which began on June 1, has seen two tropical storms form so far: Alberto and Beryl, the latter of which became the first hurricane of the season on Sunday.

This year, the Atlantic will have a well-above-average hurricane season, with the possibility of up to 13 hurricanes, of which up to seven could be major, according to the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The forecast reflects that a total of between 17 and 25 storms could form this year, that is, with maximum sustained winds above 62 kilometers per hour.

Hurricane Beryl made landfall on Carriacou Island, Grenada

Carriacou is the island of Grenada where the powerful Beryl made landfall. According to the few reports coming from the area, the hurricane left thousands of residents without communication and without electricity.

Granada has declared a state of emergency. Schools, businesses and even the airport are closed. Authorities warn of only devastation.

>> You may be interested in: Hurricane Beryl is expected to enter the Caribbean Sea around noon today, according to Ideam


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