The young Spanish Daniel Sanchoaccused of the premeditated murder of Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta, He is “convinced” that he will be “acquitted” because he acted in “self-defense”as he told EFE exclusively in view of the trial that will be held starting April 9 in Thailand.

“I am convinced that they are going to acquit me because it will be proven that it was self-defense,” said Sancho in prison on the Thai island of Samui, when asked how he faces the possibility of a murder conviction in a country that contemplates capital punishment for blood crimes.

In addition to the charge of premeditated murder, of whom he has pleaded not guilty, Sancho, 29, is accused of hiding the body after dismembering it, a crime that he has admitted and that could lead to up to a year in prison.

The Spaniard, who initially confessed to the crime and has been in provisional prison since last August 7, revealed that He is in “good spirits” and eager for the trial to begin.which will be held between April 9 and May 3 in a court in Samui.

“(I feel) eager to face it, to finally be heard and to be able to clarify the distortions, the misunderstandings and all the lies that have been told,” said the accused during the visits that EFE made to him in prison, on March 13 and 14.


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