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Suggested video What products are in season in October?

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Since 2008 and the launch of his show Petits Plats en balance, Laurent Mariotte makes young and old gourmands salivate with its seasonal recipes. But that’s not his only activity! In addition to writing his numerous recipe books, the culinary journalist notably hosts every Saturday on Europe 1 “La table des bons vivant”, his radio show around cooking.

Interviewed by Buzz TV from Le Figaro on October 4, 2023, the host returned to his status as a public figure. He notably stated why he does not wish to do commercial collaborations on his social networks.

During the interview, Laurent Mariotte expressed his desire not to enter into commercial partnerships directly with brands and his choice to systematically refuse any product placement. “I am a food journalist, I am not an influencer. Sometimes people call me “you don’t want to talk about 15-day oil on your networks?” “, no, my job is to test products and talk about them with my gang on the radio”, he explained on the Buzz TV set at Le Figaro.

With the exception of commercial collaborations linked to the TF1 group, the host categorically refuses product placements on his Instagram account. “I may have made two partnerships so far, generally as part of the show on TF1, but that’s it,” did he declare.

The main reason behind this choice? Do not lose your credibility with your community.

During the interview, the name of chef Joël Robuchon was mentioned, notably known for having shared his image as the face of the Fleury Michon brand. For Laurent Mariotte, his situation is completely different: “He made a brand of prepared products, actually it’s not the same thing”, he explains. “I’m not a chef!” he adds. On the other hand, the journalist affirms that“helping viewers choose products according to the seasons, local productions, that’s something I like.”


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