“EIt was giant. I thought my mother was going to be president of Brazil at some point”, said Luyara Franco, daughter of the late councilor Marielle Franco.

The political scientist, remember, was murdered 6 years ago.

On the day of the murder – the investigation of which is still ongoing – the recently graduated student, now 25 years old, had been at her grandparents’ house for two days, lawyer Marinete Silva and Antônio Francisco da Silva Neto, where she was sent by Marielle because she had a conjunctivitis.

“My mother said: ‘I can’t catch conjunctivitis, I have a lot of work this week!’ I got a little angry, like, ‘But Mom, what do you mean? Are you kicking me out?’. I went back to their house on a Monday and on a Wednesday, when everything happened, I was there. It was horrible, but it was better this way. I was supported. I can’t imagine what it would be like if I were alone”, recalls Luyara, in an interview with DW.

Marielle and Anderson Gomes, her driver, were shot dead on March 14, 2018, when their car was shot at in the Estácio neighborhood, central region of Rio de Janeiro.

Six years later, it is still not known who ordered the murder of the councilwoman and the driver, nor what the real motivation was for one of the most scandalous political crimes in recent Brazilian history.

Read Also: New suspect linked to the death of Marielle Franco detained in Rio de Janeiro

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2521366/achava-que-minha-mae-seria-presidenta-do-brasil-diz-filha-de-marielle

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