Celia Mendoza, a journalist for the Voice of America, has followed every step of the conflict and has even interviewed victims and refugees in Ukraine, Mexico and Poland. In the last weeks, He reached the bowels of several cities devastated by war, where he found horror and mourning, but also strength and hope.

On February 12, 2024, after two years following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine step by step and looking for a way to reach Ukrainian territory, Mendoza’s assignment was finally approved.
The journalist’s suitcase included a bulletproof vest, as well as a safety helmet to be able to enter the conflict zone.

He left Washington (United States) bound for Warsaw, Poland, from where he drove 10 hours to arrive by land to kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, since there have been no flights since the start of the war. How did the metropolis receive it? What did she find? Watch the full report in the video at the top of this article.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/en-las-entranas-de-ciudades-de-ucrania-devastadas-por-la-guerra-horror-pero-tambien-esperanza-rg10

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