A man injured by a gunshot to the head in the New York subway is in critical conditionas reported by the Police this Friday, March 15, 2024, after an incident that occurred days after the national guard was mobilized to guard the city’s train stations.

The Police indicated in a press conference that the injured man, 36 years old, He entered through the emergency door of the subway, evading the fare, and did so carrying a firearm, according to a video.

The victim was injured with his own weapon, that was taken from him by another man with whom he was fighting in a wagon.

The alleged shooter, 32, was arrested, but the Brooklyn Prosecutor’s Office, which is investigating the incident, indicated that it will not file criminal charges against him for now because he appeared to act in self-defense.

The shooting inside a crowded subway car was shocking and deeply disturbing“Prosecution spokesman Oren Yaniv told the media.

“The investigation into this tragic incident is ongoing, but at this time, evidence of self-defense prevents us from pursuing criminal charges” against the shooter, he added.

The authorities are looking for a woman who apparently accompanied the detained man and is involved in the incidentwhich occurred before five in the afternoon on Thursday, one of the rush hours on the subway.

According to the Police, the alleged shooter was in the car where the 36-year-old man entered with his gun, who, according to multiple witnesses, was aggressive, provoked the other person and also brandished a knife.

A third man tried to break up the fight, after which the 36-year-old pulled out a gun that was taken from him by the 32-year-old, who fired four times as the train approached the Hoyt-Schermerhorn station in Brooklyn, creating panic among the passengers. passengers.

We need to look at new technology that we can implement here in the transit system to help keep New Yorkers safe“Police Deputy Chief of Operations Kaz Daughtry said at the conference.

Incidents of violence in the New York subway led the state’s governor, Kathy Hochul, to order the national guard to patrol the stations along with local police, who are already present by decision of Mayor Eric Adams.

“Traffic crimes account for 2% of crimes in New York City, but they have a huge disproportionate impact on people’s sense of safety because they are in an environment where they can’t move as easily,” said the executive director of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), Janno Lieber, in another conference.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/en-metro-de-nueva-york-sujeto-fue-herido-con-la-misma-arma-que-desenfundo-en-medio-de-una-rina-cb20

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