Fight the shortage of skilled workers: Instead of “retire at 63”: Lindner wants us to work longer

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The shortage of skilled workers threatens German prosperity: More and more industries are no longer able to find staff. Federal Finance Minister Christian Linder is therefore attacking the “retirement at 63” and demanding that Germans should work longer.

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According to the “ Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung ” (FAS), Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) explains that this will also alleviate the shortage of skilled workers. Lindner explained: “We should overcome unwanted part-time work through better childcare. And why don’t we set incentives so that people want to work longer – instead of financing the pension at 63?” It is “a shutdown bonus for qualified employees,” said the FDP chairman.

In addition, there are many people who could “theoretically” work, but “live on social benefits,” according to the report, according to Lindner. Politicians must “activate these people so that they enter the labor market with at least one mini or midi job,” demanded Lindner.

More and more professions with massive staff gaps

Lindner’s statements should be seen against the background of the rampant shortage of skilled workers. The Federal Employment Agency recently announced that the number of bottleneck occupations had increased sharply in 2022. A massive staff shortage was registered in 200 of the approximately 1,200 evaluated. In 2021 “only” 148 professions were affected.

These bottleneck occupations include nursing occupations, professional drivers, medical specialists, construction occupations and occupations in childcare. Recently, the staff gaps in the hotel and restaurant industry have also increased.

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How “Retirement at 63” works

The “pension at 63” – actually early retirement – is enjoying increasing popularity. It is possible for two groups of people:

  • Wer 45 insurance years in the German pension insurance can then retire without deductions before reaching the so-called standard retirement age.
  • who at least 35 insurance years can retire early with deductions. That costs him 0.3 percent in pension losses per month, i.e. 3.6 percent per year. However, the reduction in pension can be largely offset by making extra payments to the pension fund. More and more employees are using it.

An adjustment as of January 1, 2023 ensured that early retirement is currently even more attractive than before: Since January 2023, early retirees have been able to earn unlimited additional income. Your additional earnings are not offset against your pension. There used to be an upper limit of 6,300 euros per year. Those who exceeded it had to forego part of their pension. Many citizens use the new generous guidelines. They receive early retirement, sometimes with deductions, and continue to work. However, this is by no means everyone who retires earlier.

Some pension experts have criticized the “retirement at 63” rule. The Freiburg economist Bernd Raffelhüschen also considers early retirement to be problematic. However, in an interview with FOCUS online, he admitted: Anyone who does not use the “Retirement at 63” cannot count.

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The FOCUS Online guide answers all important questions about pensions on 135 pages. Plus 65 pages of forms.



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