O Iran and its ally, Russia, rejected the accusations of the three European countries, which received support from the United States. Washington withdrew in 2018 from an agreement signed three years earlier, which aimed to ensure that Tehran could not develop atomic weapons.

Under the terms of the deal, Iran promised to limit uranium enrichment to only the levels needed for use in nuclear power plants, in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

The accusations were made at a United Nations Security Council meeting over the implementation of a resolution supporting the 2015 nuclear deal.

Both Iran’s UN ambassador, Amir Iravani, and Russia’s ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, have blamed the United States’ withdrawal from the deal, Western sanctions and an “anti-Iran” stance for the current impasse.

Iravani said Iran is authorized to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and Nebenzia rejected alleged evidence that Russia is using Iranian Shahed drones in Ukraine.

After the US withdrawal from the agreement, a decision by then President Donald Trump, Iran has been increasing uranium enrichment levels to 60%, close to the level needed to equip atomic weapons, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). ).

At Monday’s meeting, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs stressed that the organization’s Secretary-General, António Guterres, still considers the agreement “the best option available to ensure that Iran’s nuclear program remains exclusively peaceful”.

Rosemary DiCarlo urged Iran to reverse course, as did the three European countries that issued a joint statement citing the IAEA and stating that Iran’s enriched uranium reserves are 22 times higher than the limit set in the 2015 agreement.

“There is no credible civilian justification for the state of Iran’s nuclear program,” said the United Kingdom, France and Germany. “The current trajectory only brings Iran closer to weapons-related capabilities,” they added.

Iran is subject to a large number of sanctions imposed by various governments and international organizations, which accuse the country of supporting terrorism and attacking US ships in the Persian Gulf.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2464193/irao-acusado-de-dar-drones-a-russia-enriquecer-uranio-e-testar-misseis

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