These four citizens, ages between 51 and 85, They were identified as Haim Perry, Yoram Metzger, Amiram Cooper and Nadav Popplewell. According to the IDF, the confirmation of their deaths was based on intelligence information and was corroborated by experts from the Ministry of Health and the Chief Rabbi of Israel.

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Although it was initially believed that the hostages had been killed during the kidnapping last October, Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari now stated: “We estimate that the four were executed while together in the Khan Younis area several months ago, while being held by Hamas terrorists, during our operation there.”.

According to the statement, the bodies of the hostages are in the hands of Hamas.

More than 251 people were taken hostage during a Hamas attack last October and, although more than 100 were freed, Israel claims that there are 120 hostages held captive in Gaza, of which 41 would have died.

After confirmation of the death of the four hostages, Doubts grow about the possible truce proposed in three phases by the president of the United States, Joe Biden, a plan that involves a ceasefire and would include the release of hostages.

However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that there are gaps between what the United States has communicated and Israel’s position, since the ceasefire plan would be temporary, so it would not end the war.

The spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, Majed Al-Ansari, said that “the statements of the Israeli cabinet ministers are contradictory.” He also assured that the lack of demonstrations from both parties has generated distrust in the process.

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