O director of Gaza’s largest hospital, al-Shifa, revealed this Monday that Israel had made “no contact” regarding the evacuation of patients, especially premature babies.

“The Israeli Army has not made any contact, instead we have reached out to them but so far we have not received any response. There are negotiations about the removal of premature babies, but so far nothing has happened“, Mohamed Abu Selmia told the BBC.

The doctor said that 32 patients, including three premature babies, died in the hospital in recent days and several other patients, who need dialysis, are at risk of dying “in the next few days”, as there is no longer the means to carry out the treatment. .

In this way, Abu Selmia repeated the appeal to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Red Cross to help evacuate patients.

We don’t want any of the patients to die, we want them to live, we want them to receive the medical care they need in a place that can provide it“, he added.

It should be remembered that the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip was completely without electricity and the newborns had to be removed from the incubators – and were wrapped in aluminum to stay warm. Six children have already died due to the lack of light and protection and the center continues to be attacked by Israel, despite thousands of civilians taking shelter.

Al-Shifa hospital is not, however, the only one under difficult conditions. According to the Gaza Ministry of Health, led by Hamas, all hospitals in the north of the Gaza Strip are inoperative, including the second largest hospital in the region, Al-Quds, whose closure was announced by the Palestinian Red Crescent.

On October 7, fighters from the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) – in power in the Gaza Strip since 2007 and classified as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union and Israel – carried out an attack on Israeli territory of unprecedented dimensions since the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, leaving 1,200 dead, mostly civilians, around 5,000 injured and more than 200 hostages.

In retaliation, Israel declared a war to “eradicate” Hamas, which began with cuts to food, water, electricity and fuel supplies in the Gaza Strip and daily bombings, followed by a ground offensive that surrounded Gaza City.

The war between Israel and Hamas, which today entered its 38th day and continues to threaten to spread throughout the Middle East region, has so far left 11,180 dead in the Gaza Strip, 28,200 injured, 3,250 missing under the rubble and more than 1.5 million displaced people, according to the most recent report from local authorities.

Read Also: Doctors expect “miracle”. There is only one “single hospital” operating in Gaza

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2440236/israel-nao-fez-nenhum-contacto-para-retirar-bebes-do-hospital-al-shifa

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