“IRegardless of what the Council decides, Israel will continue to act in accordance with international law, while the Hamas terrorists will not even read the resolution, much less comply with it,” Gilad Erdan wrote on platform X (formerly Twitter).

According to the diplomat, Israel “will continue to act until Hamas is destroyed and the hostages are returned.”

“It is regrettable that the Council continues to ignore, not condemn, or even mention, the massacre carried out by Hamas on October 7, which led to the war in Gaza. It is truly shameful,” Erdan added.

Hamas’ strategy, according to the Israeli ambassador, consists “of deliberately deteriorating the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and increasing the number of Palestinian victims, in order to motivate the UN and the Security Council to stop Israel”, but “That won’t happen”, he assured.

The United Nations Security Council today approved a resolution that “calls for extensive and urgent humanitarian pauses and corridors for a sufficient number of days” to enable the delivery of humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza.

The resolution, authored by Malta, received 12 votes in favor and three abstentions: the United States, the United Kingdom and Russia.

The United States and the United Kingdom justified their abstention by the fact that the resolution did not clearly condemn the Hamas terrorist attacks.

The resolution has a strong humanitarian angle, with special emphasis on the situation of children in Gaza.

The text, which emphasizes the situation of children in almost every paragraph, “requires that all parties respect their obligations under international law, especially with regard to the protection of civilians, in particular children.”

It also “calls” for the “immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas and other groups, especially children.”

Although Security Council resolutions are binding, this does not prevent some countries from ignoring them.

In response to the adoption of this resolution, the spokesperson for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the Security Council and the international community to demand “the rapid release of all Israeli hostages as stipulated in the resolution.”

“There is no room for prolonged humanitarian truces while 239 abductees are in the hands of Hamas terrorists,” argued spokesman Lior Haiat on platform X.

For analyst Richard Gowan, from the International Crisis Group (ICG), although the Security Council managed to overcome a 40-day blockade over the war in Gaza and adopt a resolution on the matter, the measure will probably not have any significant impact.

“The Security Council took a month to adopt a resolution (…), but I fear that this is mainly a device to ease tensions”, wrote the analyst, also on the X platform.

Gowan recalled that the Security Council also called for a ceasefire in wars from the Balkans to Syria “with little or no impact.”

“The resolution is written in a way that does not put any real political pressure on Israel, but the United States will likely urge Israel to show more flexibility on aid issues to satisfy global opinion,” Gowan told the Associated Press (AP).

“The council will not move from this text to a call for a ceasefire, unless the facts change significantly on the ground”, he further assessed.

Read Also: Marcelo regrets the death of civilians in Gaza, including three Portuguese

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2441989/israel-rejeita-resolucao-que-pede-pausas-humanitarias

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