O The warning was made minutes after the Security Council approved a resolution presented by the United States to support a truce plan in Gaza.

The political coordinator of the Israeli diplomatic mission, Reut Shapir, who spoke after the intervention of the 15 members of the Council, did not make it clear whether her country supports the resolution, as the United States ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, had previously assured. but implied otherwise.

“Israel maintains its principles and they have not changed. We will continue (fighting) until all hostages return and we dismantle all Hamas fighting and governance capabilities,” said Reut Shapir, without specifically mentioning the resolution, which calls, in a first phase, a ceasefire and the release of certain hostages (women, elderly and injured).

He added: “This means that Israel will not commit itself to endless and meaningless negotiations, which can be exploited by Hamas as a means of buying time.”

The truce proposal presented by Joe Biden on May 31 and approved today by the Council consists of a three-phase plan that can be prolonged “if negotiations continue”, in which case “the ceasefire will continue”, which seems to contradict the diplomat’s statement.

Apparently the United States Government is putting pressure on the Israeli Government to accept the truce proposal, even speaking on its behalf. The US ambassador said today that “Israel accepted the agreement and the fighting could stop today if Hamas does the same.”

As happened last week, the statements by North American officials were met with reluctance from the Hebrew government, which still presents conditions to adhere to the ceasefire.

Read Also: Four Palestinians killed in Israeli military incursion into the West Bank

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2578253/israel-avisa-que-nao-tenciona-envolver-se-em-negociacoes-interminaveis

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