Eighteen people were killed on Monday in a series of “Israeli bombings” against military installations in central Syria, Syrian authorities reported.

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“The number of martyrs of the Israeli aggression has reached 18,” Syrian Health Minister Mohamad Al Ghabach told AFP. during a visit to Masyaf, where the attacks took place.

According to the minister, 37 people were injured.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a non-governmental organisation based in the United Kingdom but which has a network of informants in the country at war, reported 26 dead.

OSDH director Rami Abdel Rahman said it was “one of the most violent attacks” carried out by the Israeli air force in Syria.

However, the Israeli army told AFP that it “will not comment on reports from foreign media.”

A war since 2011

Since the start of the Syrian civil war in 2011, Israel has carried out hundreds of attacks in the country against the army loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and the pro-Iranian groups that support him.

During a visit supervised by Syrian authorities, journalists were able to see Burned cars and damage on the road leading to the city of Masyaf.

The head of the OSDH told AFP that the strikes targeted “the Masyaf scientific research centre and surrounding areas.”

According to him, this center where Iranian experts work “develops weapons, particularly precision missiles and drones.”

The OSDH said the dead were “five civilians, four Syrian soldiers, 14 Syrians working for pro-Iranian groups and three unidentified victims.”

According to the Syrian news agency Sana, the “Israeli enemy” aviation carried out attacks in the early hours of this Monday against “several military installations in the central region.”

In Iran, Foreign Ministry spokesman Naser Kanani, He condemned this “criminal attack” which he attributed to Israel.

Israeli raids into Syria have intensified following the outbreak of a war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, triggered by the Palestinian movement’s attack on Israeli soil on October 7.

Syria has tried to distance itself from tensions in the region but Israeli raids frequently target Hezbollah targets in Syria. a pro-Iranian group that is fighting the Israeli army from southern Lebanon.

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Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/bombardeos-de-israel-a-sede-militar-en-siria-dejan-al-menos-18-muertos-y-37-heridos-cb20

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