“NThere will be no ceasefire”, but “local tactical pauses for humanitarian aid, limited in time and area, four hours” per day, Israeli army spokesman Richard Hetch said at a press conference, after the The US announced that Israel had agreed to allow daily “humanitarian pauses” in northern Gaza so that civilians can leave for the south.

These corridors were created in recent days to allow the exit of Gazans from the north and Gaza City to the south of the enclave, while fighting continues between the militias of the Islamist group Hamas and Israeli troops, as well as heavy bombing. .

Israeli forces have deepened their incursion into Gaza City, targeting the military heart of the Islamist group, near the al Shifa hospital, Gaza’s main medical center, where they have “infantry forces, armored vehicles and combat engineers” with support of the air force and elite units.

In the last days of fighting, Israel says it also destroyed “terrorist infrastructure, including an extensive network of underground tunnels”, anti-tank missile production factories and rocket launch sites.

According to Hetch, “fighting continues above and below ground, where there are vehicles accessing with military equipment to deal with the tunnels” in the center of Gaza City, where Israel claims Hamas has its largest military hideout, under and around al Shifa Hospital.

This location, he said, “is an important stronghold in the center of Gaza city”, and near the medical center “there are very intense battles” to break “Hamas’ network of underground tunnels”.

The Israeli army spokesman also stated that Israel is authorizing the entry of more humanitarian aid from Egypt into Gaza, although the fuel, essential for the production of electricity in the enclave, continues to be unavailable, which means that many of hospitals do not function or operate in minimal conditions.

Meanwhile, the Israeli authorities reiterate that they will not stop their offensive until the release of around 240 hostages taken by the militias in Gaza.

The Islamist group Hamas launched a surprise attack on southern Israel on October 7 with the launch of thousands of rockets and the incursion of armed militiamen, taking two hundred hostages.

In response, Israel declared war on Hamas, a movement that has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007 and which is classified as terrorist by the European Union and the United States, in bombings and ground incursions into the Gaza Strip, and imposed a total siege on the territory with cuts supply of water, fuel and electricity.

The conflict has already caused thousands of deaths and injuries, among military personnel and civilians, in both territories.

Read Also: Israel. Army claims 50 deaths and attack on Hamas military center

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2437814/exercito-israelita-aceitou-pausas-taticas-diarias-e-afasta-cessar-fogo

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