Marches Caruso reported the death of Jandira Martini this Tuesday, January 30th. The Brazilian actress was 78 years old and couldn’t resist lung cancer.
“Jandira Martini, my greatest friend and proof that opposites attract and complement each other”he began by writing the fellow actor in the caption of a photograph of his professional colleague.
“Together we wrote plays, film scripts, series and soap operas. My great confidant, advisor and responsible for my biggest laughs. My teacher. You know when you pass by the school where you studied and see that the building has been demolished? That’s how I feel about your departure”he finally noted.
Jandira Martini participated in several successful soap operas shown in Portugal, such as ‘The Clone’ (2001) and ‘Caminho das Indias’ (2009), also joining the cast of ‘Bite & Blow’which you can currently watch in the evenings on SIC.
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/fama/2491497/morreu-jandira-martini-aos-78-anos-atriz-tinha-cancro-no-pulmao