The story of a young journalist who literally defended herself with her nails went viral on social media of a thief who attacked her to steal her belongings. The woman shared the experience on her X account.

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A young journalist from Buenos Aires, Abigail Luna, shared on social media the attempted robbery she suffered and how she defended herself. The post has had millions of interactions.

The case was published by the victim of the attempted theft herself and accompanied the complaint with images of the injuries caused to the alleged thief who attacked her.

“Well, they tried to rob me. I forgot to ask him his name, but here is the face I destroyed. It’s a shame that today I had my nails done and they got dirty,” the woman posted on her X account.

After the incident, the journalist had to go to a medical center to be treated for the injuries caused by the man.

This was confirmed by Luna: “The subject hit me in the face and also the shoulder with a blunt object while I was facing away. There is no major damage. Now, to no one’s surprise, the police confirmed to me that the thief has a history of violent robberies.”

Luna filed the corresponding complaint and in another message reported that the Police told him that “the subject has already been charged.” for robbery aggravated by the use of a sharp weapon and, probably, he will also be charged with physical injuries. In that case, he will be detained and effectively imprisoned.”

The woman is recovering from the injuries caused by the man, while she, in her attempt to save herself, scratched the thief’s face with her nails.

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