“LWe will use all our strength to prevent Von der Leyen from having a second term”, said Marine Le Pen in a video message, cited by the Efe agency, addressed to the convention of the Identity and Democracy (ID) group, of which Portuguese Chega is a member. , represented by André Ventura.

The French nationalist leader’s message included criticism of the current Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, also on the radical right, but whose party is part of the European Conservatives and Reformists group.

“A message for Giorgia [Meloni]: Will you support a second term for Von der Leyen or not? I believe so”, said Marine Le Pen, ally of Matteo Salvini, vice-president of the Italian Government and leader of the League.

Addressing directly the head of the Italian Government, the leader of the French far right added: “You owe the truth to the Italians, you have to decide what you will do. On the right, the only candidate who will oppose Von der Leyen is Matteo Salvini” .

The European parliamentary group ID is one of two in which the far right and nationalists are divided in the EU, along with the European Conservatives and Reformists, led by Meloni.

“Marine asks if Italian votes will be willing to support a repeat of this Commission. I say it calmly: voters who elect the League will never elect a mandate with Von der Leyen and socialists”, said Matteo Salvini.

Despite his position, the leader of the League – one of the three parties in the Italian government coalition, along with Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia and Forza Italia’s conservatives – framed his statements.

“The Government will continue until 2027, they are trying to divide us, but they will not succeed. In Giorgia Meloni I found a friend. Of course, between friends there can be different points of view”, said Salvini, who in recent days has led a controversy by justifying the victory Vladimir Putin’s electoral campaign in Russia.

Salvini ended up attacking French President Emmanuel Macron, who he called a “warmonger” and “a danger” to Europe: “I don’t want to leave my children a continent ready to enter the Third World War.”

The president of Portuguese Chega, André Ventura, quoted by the Efe agency, recalled his recent electoral result in Portugal, now speaking of a “battle between good and evil” at the forum where Le Pen and Salvini were present.

“And now we are on our way to winning the European elections. Our values ​​are at stake”, said the Portuguese deputy, arguing that “Europe is a Christian continent and must continue to be so”.

Read Also: Von der Leyen and Charles Michel condemn attack in Moscow

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2527233/le-pen-e-salvini-contra-2-mandato-de-von-der-leyen-na-comissao-europeia

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