This Saturday, March 16, 2024, Leopoldo Lopezone of the main opposition leaders in Venezuela, sent a message to the Colombian people after the proposal of a National Constituent Assembly by President Gustavo Petro.

Through a video published on his X account, Leopoldo López warned the Colombian people about the possible consequences of a National Constituent Assembly.
“We as Venezuelans when we look back and wonder when the disaster began, what was the moment in which Venezuela began to be destroyed, without a doubt (we say) that it was the Constituent Assembly promoted by Hugo Chávez in 1999,” he said.

The Venezuelan politician assured that at that time there were many promises about the organ of sovereign power. However, 25 years later, the outlook is not positive.

“That it was going to solve the economy, give people housing, prosperity, opportunities, health and educationbut she was the constituent the beginning of the end of democracy and the beginning of the destruction of the economy that brought us to this humanitarian tragedy,” held.

To conclude, Leopoldo López told the Colombian people that with unity they can stop what happened in the neighboring country.

“I make a respectful call to you so that, united, you can confront any attempt to make what happened in Venezuela happen in Colombia with that constituent. The most important thing you have is democracy”, he concluded.


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