In the last hours it was known what the cause of death of Camila Gómezthe 8-year-old girl kidnapped and murdered in the municipality of Taxco, state of Guerrero, Mexico.

In an interview with the NMás channel, the minor’s uncle revealed the details of the autopsy and shared the girl’s cause of death.

“We are devastated, they killed my niece, they kidnapped her, they tortured her, because it was drowning, it was strangulation. They already performed the autopsy and strangled her, I have no words, people who don’t even know us are in shock,” the man commented.

Likewise, the man spoke about the alleged murderers of his niece: “We never imagined there would be so much cruelty towards a girl, that the only bad thing he did was love the neighbor’s daughter. Unfortunately, “There are unscrupulous people, with so much evil in their heads.”

The last moments of little Camila Gómez:

The last time the girl Camila Gómez, 8, was seen was on Wednesday afternoon, March 27, when she left her house to go to a friend’s house to play.

Hours later Her family received extortion calls demanding 250,000 pesos (about $15,000) to free her.

The inaction of the authorities caused people to act on their own, under the eyes of agents of the Municipal Police, National Guard and Mexican Army.

The angry neighbors took a woman and two men out of the house, accused murderers of the minor and who were initially detained by municipal police who intended to transfer them to the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE), however, the protesters took them out of the patrol cars and beat them with fists and kicks.

The woman, allegedly responsible for the murder of Camila Gómez, She was lynched by the community and died from her injuries. For this reason, the investigating entity began an investigation for the crime of qualified homicide.


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