Did you know that there are juices that prevent, fight and cure diseases? There are also juices that lose weight.
Check out all the tips presented here!
Lose weight and also avoid a number of common diseases by taking juices regularly.
One of the most common health problems, and one that can be avoided with natural juices, is high cholesterol.
Know that cholesterol is a type of fat that the body needs for, among other things, cell regeneration. High cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease and can lead to arteriosclerosis. It is of paramount importance to replace foods with a high fat content in the diet. Some vegetables, such as eggplant, help lower cholesterol. Garlic is also very efficient in this treatment.
Fruit and other vegetable juices are free of fat and excess calories, ensuring weight loss through diet.
Want to lose weight? Achieve your ideal weight! Be disciplined! Persist in the diet! Don’t be discouraged!
Know that the weight loss process varies from one person to another, people do not lose weight equally just because they opted for the same diet.
Adopt a diet that includes juices as it is the simplest and most effective way to lose weight.
Drink plenty of pure water, even when you feel hungry outside of meal times.
Do not drink liquids with meals.
Cut out everything that is fattening. Lunch should be a light meal. Replace dinner with a good juice.
Eat raw greens seasoned with just lemon juice. If you can, avoid salt. Carnation lemon (pink lemon) is milder.
During meals, eat slowly, chewing food slowly so that it is digested correctly.
Fruits should take the place of desserts.
Forty minutes of daily exercise is also essential.
High Cholesterol Juice
- 5 grams of ginger
- 1 glass (American) of water
- 3 sprigs of parsley
- 1/2 carrot
- 1 medium apple
Preparation mode
- Chop the ginger, apple and parsley sprigs into small pieces.
- Put it in the blender glass, along with the other ingredients, and beat.
- Strain and drink afterwards.
Watermelon and Coconut Water Juice
- 1 glass (American) of coconut water
- 4 medium slices of watermelon
Preparation mode
- In the blender, beat all the ingredients.
- Coe and sirva.
Carrot and Apple Juice
- 4 carrots
- 2 red apples, medium
- 1 cup of water (tea)
Preparation mode
- Grate the carrots and apples, discarding the seeds.
- Beat everything in the blender with the water.
- Take without straining.
Pineapple, Orange and Lemon Juice
- 1 slice of pineapple
- 1 orange
- 1/2 lemon with peel
- 100 ml of water
Preparation mode
- Cut the pineapple slice into cubes.
- Peel the orange, leaving as much of the white skin as possible.
- Cut it into pieces or separate it into segments, removing the seeds.
- Cut the lemon into thin slices, remove the seeds and blend everything in a blender with the water.
- Strain, add ice cubes, if desired, and drink immediately.
- 1/2 eggplant sliced with peel
- Natural juice of 3 oranges
Preparation mode
- Take daily on an empty stomach
- In the blender, beat all the ingredients.
- If desired, sweeten with honey.
- Drink next.
garlic water
- 1 clove of garlic
- 100 ml of water
Preparation mode
- Mix the ingredients and let it sit overnight.
- Consume on an empty stomach to help clean the intestine and reduce cholesterol.
Mother’s Tips
To avoid high cholesterol, you need to adopt good eating habits and exercise regularly. It is worth noting that, in the case of high cholesterol, treatment should follow medical advice, and the juice is just a complement to the treatment.
Remember, it is essential to consult a professional nutritionist so that your diet is compatible with your current state of health.
See also the top 10 tips to lose weight and lose weight.
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Source: https://www.receitasdemae.com.br/receitas/emagreca-com-sabedoria/