The Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), the main opposition coalition in Venezuela, denounced early this Tuesday that could not nominate Corina Yaris’ candidacy for the presidential elections of July 28, after the registration period established by the National Electoral Council (CNE) ended. In this regard, Leopoldo López reacted.
“Nicolás Maduro did not allow the nomination of the unitary candidacy. We were never allowed access to the application system,” said the PUD in a message published in X after midnight, at the end of the registration period.
Likewise, he demanded that the deadline be restored to be able to nominate Yaris, chosen as a presidential candidate by the PUD last Friday due to the disqualification that prevents former deputy María Corina Machado, winner of last October’s primaries, from competing for public office in these and other elections until 2036.
Since the candidacy nomination process began last Thursday, the PUD reported that it was prevented from accessing the system established by the CNE. During this last day of candidate registration, the coalition He stated that he had exhausted all avenues to be able to register his candidate, despite proposing a person who was not subject to any disqualification or administrative sanction.
“We have exhausted all means at our disposal so that this can be resolved,” Yoris said at a press conference on Monday morning.
On Sunday, Venezuela’s main opposition coalition asked the National Electoral Council (CNE) extend the period to nominate candidates for three days, in order to “correct the factual and legal violations that have occurred in the process”. However, the president of the CNE, Elvis Amoroso, indicated, in an event in which he received the nomination from former opposition electoral director Enrique Márquez, that the candidacy registration process would close on Monday at 11:59 p.m.
Leopoldo López reacts
The opposition leader spoke on his X account, formerly Twitter, and assured that President Nicolás Maduro “He’s a shit. He is afraid of the people and he is afraid of women.”
Likewise, he added “in this new repressive wave, Maduro has targeted women, imprisoned Rocío San Miguel, disqualified@mariacorinayadid not allow the teacher’s registration@yorisvillasana”.
Leopoldo López also pointed out that the leader of the Venezuelan regime for months was assembling a cast of mediocre and sold-out candidatesall men, to mount an election tailored to their repressive vocation.
“The last chapter, planned until the last minute, with secrecy, lies and betrayal, was the registration of Rosales at 11:59. The analysts, commentators, pollsters, geniuses and ventriloquists of the dictatorship narrative are already going to begin to say that we must continue, remove María Corina and support Rosales. “We continue with María Corina without calculation and with loyalty”he concluded.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/maduro-es-un-cagon-leopoldo-lopez-luego-de-que-corina-yaris-no-pudiera-inscribirse-cb20