A heavily intoxicated 18-year-old was raped for hours on his way back from a party at the Max-Weber-Platz underground station in Munich. According to police information from this Monday, the crime occurred on August 19 at around one o’clock in the night. The 20-year-old suspect is in custody and, according to “Bild” information, is said to be an Afghan resident in Munich.

The act or the course of events was recorded via surveillance camera and is now being evaluated by the police, a police spokeswoman said in an interview with FOCUS online. The spokeswoman also explained that the respective recording tapes can be accessed in the following three to seven days.

18-year-old raped – police share details about the victim

The police also shared the first details about the victim: According to this, the 18-year-old is a language student from Poland who celebrated extensively throughout the evening. In the subway station he was so drunk that he had to lie down and sleep there. In the five hours that followed, the alleged perpetrator took advantage of the language student’s helplessness and repeatedly performed sexual acts on him.

The subway guard was even patrolling at the time in question, but it is not yet clear whether they saw anything. It was only in the early hours of the morning that the 20-year-old is said to have let go of his victim and also snatched his cell phone. As “t-online” reports, a surveillance camera recorded the crime. No one intervened for hours.

Munich police used mobile data to locate suspects

According to the police, the 18-year-old initially returned home on his own, but filed a complaint over the next day. The police officers used the mobile data on his cell phone to locate and arrest the alleged thief and rapist.

This was finally transferred to the detention center of the Munich police headquarters and brought before the investigating judge. He ordered pre-trial detention.

Source: https://www.focus.de/panorama/welt/neue-details-mann-vergewaltigt-mitten-in-muenchen-stundenlang-einen-18-jaehrigen_id_202435262.html

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