AAuthorities did not reveal any further details about the suspect’s identity, but several local media outlets say he is a 29-year-old jihadist, Tarik S., who was preparing an attack on a pro-Israel demonstration.

The weekly Der Spiegel and the daily Bild say that police received information from a foreign intelligence service indicating that the man searched the internet for demonstrations in support of Israel and watched jihadist content.

The elements collected raised fears that the man was planning an attack with a truck, according to Der Spiegel, which cites sources close to the authorities.

The suspect, a German-Egyptian, joined the self-proclaimed Islamic State in Syria, where he arrived through Turkey in 2013.

Hundreds of pro-Israel and pro-Palestine demonstrations have been taking place in Germany since October 7, the date on which Hamas launched an unprecedented attack against Israel, which responded with massive bombings in the Gaza Strip.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2426652/homem-detido-na-alemanha-por-indicios-de-possivel-atentado

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