What was intended to be a peaceful and energizing vacation ended in an emergency room after A man from California, United States, was stung by a scorpionwhile resting in the room of an exclusive Las Vegas resort.
In accordance with Michael Farchithe citizen stung by the animal, was staying at the Las Vegas Strip resort during the Christmas season. On December 26, 2023, While in his hotel room, he felt indescribable pain.
“Me I felt like someone was stabbing me in my private area. “It felt like a sharp glass or a knife,” explained Farchi, who when going to the bathroom realized that He had a scorpion hanging from his underwear. A visit to the hospital confirmed that the man had been stung by the animal.
The next day, heThe Farchi family left the resort and the administration compensated their room.
Incident reports shared by 8NewsNow They explain that the guest was “bitten by a scorpion” in the “groin/testicles around 8 am”apparently, after the animal was on the bed in the room.
“Everyone was shocked, no one believed. Not even I could believe it,” commented the man, who claims that will take legal action against the resort, despite the fact that he responded that all protocols to deal with the incident were followed in this case.
What to do if you are stung by a scorpion?
Experts recommend that, after being stung by a scorpion, You should stay calm and avoid panic. You can apply cold compresses to the area and seek medical attention if any kind of allergic reaction occurs.
The severity of the sting varies depending on the type of scorpion that produces it, however, It is always better to consult in case of any doubt related to the incident.
Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/hombre-fue-a-vacacionar-a-un-hotel-y-termino-con-una-picadura-de-escorpion-en-los-genitales-rg10