See how beautiful this Easter cake decorated with carrots is. A delicious sweet that is difficult to resist. Check out the recipe suggestions and make your Easter tastier!


  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 3 cups of ground almonds
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of almond essence
  • 3 drops of orange food coloring
  • 4 cups of icing sugar

Preparation Mode

  1. In a large pan, add the condensed milk, ground almonds and lemon juice.
  2. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until it comes away from the pan.
  3. Remove from heat, place in a large bowl and let cool.
  4. Add the essence, coloring, sugar and knead until all the sugar is absorbed.
  5. Model the carrots.
  6. Make lines on them.
  7. If you prefer, decorate the carrots with mint leaves or imitate the leaves with royal icing dyed green.
  8. Serve plain or use to decorate Easter cake.

Mom Tips

Approximate yield of 20 units.

See also the recipes for fillings for Easter eggs with a spoon and the recipe for decorated Easter eggs on a stick.


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