“EThis parliament does not work with a Government and an opposition, it works with a majority”, said Roberta Metsola, in the EP hemicycle after an update on the projections of the results of the European elections, in Brussels.

The president of the EP insisted that it is necessary to “build a majority to find the best solutions to citizens’ problems” and announced that from Tuesday onwards meetings will begin between the leaders of the political groups that make up parliament to create this majority.

Asked about the problems that the growth of the extreme right could bring, Roberta Metsola did not respond directly and said only that it is necessary to “understand the responsibility that citizens place on representatives” elected by the 27 countries of the European Union.

“We will decide on issues that are not only institutional, but also have consequences for the lives of our citizens,” he added.

Regarding the “Qatargate” corruption scandal, which shook the institution at the end of 2022, Roberta Metsola considered that the next parliament “is equipped with the appropriate barriers” and capable of “sounding the alarms if it happened again”.

The EP “today is more effective and more transparent”, he commented.

Read Also: Metsola guarantees that PE “is” on the side of the Georgians’ demands

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2577715/metsola-pe-nao-trabalha-com-governo-e-oposicao-mas-com-maiorias

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