The government of Javier Milei extended the ban on the use of inclusive language to the entire Argentine national administration, something that had already been applied in the area of ​​Defense, presidential spokesperson Manuel Adorni reported this Tuesday.

Government “will initiate actions to prohibit inclusive language and the gender perspective throughout the national public administration“Adorni said at a press conference.

A resolution published last Friday, February 23, on the Presidency’s website had announced the same measure within the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces and the decentralized organizations of that portfolio.

The language that covers all sectors is the Spanish language, I don’t see why there are structures. It is a debate in which we are not going to participate because We consider that gender perspectives have also been used as a political businessthere is no discussion about that,” Adorni justified when asked about the reasons for Milei’s decision.

Although the use of inclusive language was discretionary, many State agencies had adopted it as a standard rule. Among them the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (Inadi), whose closure was announced by the government last week when Adorni included it on a list of organizations that “are of no use.”

Regarding the language and from these new directives “It will not be possible to use the letter ‘e’, ​​the @, the ‘x’ (to mention the gender) and avoid unnecessary inclusions of the feminine in all public administration documents,” said the spokesperson.

In the case of the Armed Forces, formulas such as “sergeant” for women or “soldiers” for non-binary identities, will be prohibited from official useaccording to the resolution signed on Friday by the Minister of Defense, Luis Petri.

Milei, who refers to himself as an “anarcho-capitalist libertarian,” has never hidden his opposition to inclusive language and what he refers to as “gender ideology.”

According to the president, this is part of the “indoctrination” of “cultural Marxism”, a supposed movement to reverse the social order in the West.


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