A A young Iranian Kurd, detained and beaten by Iran’s morality police for violating the country’s strict female dress code, died days later in hospital, triggering a wave of protests across the country that led to the arrest of thousands of people.
The authorities explained that Saturday’s arrests correspond to a period of 24 hours and that they are justified by violations of public security regulations, incitement to protests and possession of weapons, writes the Iranian newspaper ‘Shargh’.
On Saturday, several cities in Iran’s Kurdish-majority northern region supported a general strike called by Kurdish organizations and political parties to protest Amini’s death.
Security forces carried out a large deployment with helicopters and armored vehicles, according to the Hengaw civil organization, which reports more than a dozen identified detainees, including several women activists.
The official Iranian news agency IRNA reported the death on Saturday of a member of the pro-government Basij militia in Fars province during protests.
Read Also: Small and scattered gatherings mark death of young Kurd in Iran
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2401610/mais-de-260-detidos-em-protestos-no-irao-um-ano-apos-morte-de-mahsa-amini