A mother and her partner were sentenced to more than 50 years in prison for torturing, murdering and disposing of the body of Miguel dos Santos Rodrigues, his 7-year-old son. The women put the little boy’s body in a suitcase.

The terrible event occurred in 2021 in Tramandai in Imbé, Brazil. The women said they had committed the crime because their 7-year-old son was “in the way” of their relationship.

The child’s mother, identified as Yasmin Vaz dos Santos Rodrigues, was sentenced to 57 years, 1 month and 10 days in prison for the crimes committed.

For her part, Bruna Nathiele Porto da Rosa, the minor’s stepmother, was sentenced to 51 years, 1 month and 20 days in prison.

During the trial against him, Both murderers told the judge that they put Miguel’s body inside a suitcase, which they threw into the Tramandai River in ImbĂ©. The body was found by forensics.

The authorities’ investigations concluded that the minor was subjected to physical and psychological punishments and torture. “He was malnourished, although he was enrolled in school he had no friends, he didn’t go anywhere, he was locked in a room in the house, punished and tied in a closet”said Antonio Carlos Ractz, investigative police officer.

In addition to that, Miguel’s mother forced her 7-year-old son to write phrases in a notebook such as: “I’m not good”, “I’m bad” and “I don’t deserve the mother I have”.

The uniformed Ractz stated that Yasmin Vas dos Santos “has the profile of a psychopath. During my entire career, she had never come across someone so cold.”

He added that during the investigations the woman “She was only worried about her partner, not the child. “She claimed the boy was getting in her way.”

How was infanticide discovered?

After both women reported the disappearance of the minor, the contradictions in their statements caught the attention of the authorities. Finally they decided to confess the terrible crime.

In accordance with All News, The boy’s mother said she found Miguel’s lifeless body in the bathroom after giving him fluoxetine, an antidepressant.

After that, Bruna brought a suitcase to hide the body and between the two of them they took it to the river to disappear.

At the trial, Bruna was asked if she deserved to be sentenced, to which she responded “obviously, I’m a monster. In fact, I am a huge monster because, if I am here today, it is because I was very wrong. If I’m here, everyone is here, it’s because I was terrible as a mother, as a human being. But I never imagined that she could do that,” blaming Miguel’s mother.

Proto da Rosa admitted having participated in acts of psychological torture against the minor and hiding the body. However, he denied having anything to do with the death.

Source: https://www.noticiascaracol.com/mundo/madre-mato-a-su-hijo-de-7-anos-y-su-pareja-le-ayudo-a-ocultar-el-cadaver-en-una-maleta-rg10

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