NIn a message published on X (formerly Twitter), Alexei Navalny states that the trip was “tiring”, but guarantees that “he is fine”.

“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. I’m relieved to finally be here.”these.

Alexei Navalny, anti-corruption activist, oppositionist and critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was arrested in 2021 and later sentenced to 19 years in prison.

On Monday, supporters of the Russian opposition leader reported on the social network

“We found Navalny. He is in prison colony number 3 in the city of Kharp”, said Kira Iarmych on X (formerly Twitter), indicating that Navalny “is fine” and that his lawyer has visited him.

Kharp, a small town with a population of around 5,000, is located in Yamalo-Nenetsia, a remote region of northern Russia, north of the Arctic Circle, and is home to several prison colonies.

Accused of extremism, according to the court’s ruling, Navalny must serve his sentence in a “special regime” colony, a category of establishments where detention conditions are the harshest and which are normally reserved for prisoners serving life sentences. and the most dangerous detainees.

One of the “special regime” colonies is located precisely in Kharp, colony number 18, or “Polar Owl”.

The Russian prison services admitted, on December 15, that Navalny had been transferred from the Vladimir prison, where he had been serving his sentence since June 2022, but did not specify his new destination.

The opponent’s lawyers, sentenced to 30 years in prison, had no contact with their client since December 5th and their collaborators launched the global campaign “Where is Navalny?”.

On December 7, Navalny appealed from jail to vote against Putin in the March 17 elections.

On Saturday, the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, expressed concern about the lack of information about Alexei Navalny’s whereabouts and demanded that the Kremlin be released as soon as possible.

In the same message, Blinken demanded the “immediate release” of the Russian opponent and that President Vladimir Putin’s government stop “repressing independent voices in Russia”.

Read Also: France criticizes Navalny’s transfer and accuses Russia

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