Alexei Navalny, detained in Russia, has experienced several deprivations and attacks over the years.
He has already complained of being poisoned, assaulted and deprived of adequate medical care, but this week he revealed that he was facing a new challenge: being forced to listen to pro-Putin pop music every morning at 5am.
The author of the song ‘I am Russian’ is an avowed supporter of Vladimir Putin, being one of the supporters of his candidacy for the 2024 Presidential Election, and a supporter of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The song went viral among the Russian population and, after being released a year ago, it already has more than 40 million views on YouTube.
“Of course I was curious to hear it, but I didn’t expect to be able to hear it in prison,” Navalny revealed on the X social network.
2/6 Everyone knows it, parodies of it are recorded, and so on. Of course, I was certainly curious to listen, but where in the prison I could do it?
And then I was taken to Yamal.
— Alexey Navalny (@navalny) January 22, 2024
Sentenced to remain in prison until the age of 74 on charges that he says were fabricated to keep him out of politics, Navalny also joked that after being portrayed by the Russian state as someone who was once associated with nationalist marches, he is now forced to listen to an ultra-nationalist song.
Read Also: “I don’t like being in prison. But I don’t intend to renounce my country”
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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2486183/navalny-diz-ser-obrigado-a-ouvir-musica-pop-pro-putin-todas-as-manhas