“I“Unfortunately, on the last day there was a tragic case in which our forces unintentionally targeted innocent people in the Gaza Strip,” Netanyahu said in a message of thanks to the healthcare team who operated on him for a hernia on Sunday, after he was discharged.

The Prime Minister reiterated that the incident will be the subject of a thorough investigation, stating that such things “happen in war”.

“We will do everything in our power to ensure it doesn’t happen again,” he added.

Earlier, the Israeli army had announced that an independent military body, the Fact-Finding and Investigative Mechanism, would investigate the attack, which led the non-governmental organization (NGO) to suspend its operations in the region.

The attack killed seven WCK workers, including three Palestinians and four foreigners, of British, Polish, Australian nationality and an American-Canadian citizen.

The institution is one of two NGOs actively involved in delivering aid to Gaza by sea from Cyprus.

WCK explained that one of its vehicles was attacked by the Israeli army while passing through Deir al Balah, in the center of the Gaza Strip, after leaving a warehouse where they had unloaded 100 tons of food, in a movement coordinated with the Israeli authorities.

Images recently published on social media show that one of the WCK organization’s vehicles has damage to the roof, which suggests that it may have been hit by an air strike.

The founder of WCK, chef José Andrés, deplored the attack and argued that Israel “must stop this indiscriminate killing”.

The attack against humanitarian workers has already been condemned by the European Union and several European countries, including the United Kingdom, Spain and Belgium, which demanded explanations from Israel for the death of seven humanitarian workers.

Since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas on October 7, World Central Kitchen has participated in relief efforts by providing meals to Gaza residents.

WCK, based in the capital of the United States, was founded by José Andrés during the serious humanitarian crisis that affected Haiti after the violent earthquake in 2010.

[Notícia atualizada às 14h02]

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2532403/netanyahu-admite-que-exercito-matou-trabalhadores-em-gaza-sem-querer

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