“O Hamas [movimento islamita palestiniano] It’s Daesh [grupo do Estado Islâmico] and we will crush and destroy them as the world destroyed Daesh”, he added during a first solemn speech together with members of his war cabinet formed earlier in the day, following the agreement between the prime minister and the leader of Israeli opposition, Benny Gantz.

In addition to Netanyahu and Gantz, the cabinet also includes current Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and two other senior officials who will serve as observer members.

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant assured that Hamas “will disappear from the Earth”.

“We will not accept Israeli children and babies being murdered and everything continuing as usual”, he stressed.

Ganzt stressed, in turn, “the State of Israel is facing one of its most difficult moments”, with its “families that have been murdered and kidnapped by a merciless enemy that must be eliminated”.

“The fact that we are here united, side by side, is a very clear message to the enemy and, more importantly, it is a message to all the citizens of Israel,” he added.

“We are all here together, we are all mobilized”, he guaranteed.

Under the emergency government agreement, the Government will not pass any legislation or decisions that are not related to the war while fighting continues.

The Israeli government is under intense public pressure to oust Hamas, after Islamic movement militias stormed the border on Saturday and shot hundreds of Israelis dead in their homes, on the streets and at an outdoor music festival.

The agreement, which comes four days after the launch of a major offensive by the Palestinian Islamic movement Hamas, will be in force during the period of war, decreed on Saturday by Netanyahu and allows for a certain degree of unity to be achieved after years of bitterly divided politics, at a time when the military appears increasingly likely to launch a ground offensive in Gaza.

Hamas, in power in the Gaza Strip since 2007, launched a surprise attack on Israeli territory on October 7, under the name of operation “Al-Aqsa Storm”, with the launch of thousands of rockets and the incursion of armed rebels by land, sea and air.

In response, Israel bombed several Hamas facilities in that Palestinian territory from the air, in an operation it called “Iron Swords”.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that his country is “at war” with Hamas, which, he recalled, was internationally classified as a terrorist movement not only by Israel but also by the United States and the European Union (EU), in addition to other states.

Israel, which has imposed a total siege on the Gaza Strip and cut off water, fuel and electricity supplies, has so far confirmed more than 1,200 deaths and 3,700 injuries since the start of the Hamas offensive, supported by Lebanese Hezbollah and the Palestinian branch of Jihad Islamic.

On the Palestinian side, the local Ministry of Health confirmed today that, in Gaza, Israeli retaliatory attacks caused at least 1,100 deaths and 5,339 injuries.

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Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2418295/netanyahu-alerta-que-cada-membro-do-hamas-e-um-homem-morto

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