“DLet me say this as clearly as possible: I am a candidate”disse Joe Biden. “I am the leader of the Democratic Party. No one is going to push me out.”he stated. “I’m not leaving. I’m in this race until the end and we’re going to win”.

The President’s statements were reported by several media outlets, including the Associated Press and Politico, which kept the sources anonymous.

The unscheduled intervention at the Democratic National Committee meeting came as pressure mounted on Biden following his disastrous debate performance with Donald Trump.

A new poll published by the New York Times shows that, after the debate, Donald Trump considerably increased his lead over Joe Biden, now having six more percentage points: 49% against 43% of voting intentions.

The poll indicates that 74% of voters surveyed are concerned about Joe Biden’s capabilities at 81 years old, after he appeared fragile and hesitant in the debate.

The US president attributed his poor performance in the televised debate against Donald Trump to exhaustion caused by several trips in the previous days and admitted that he “almost fell asleep on stage”.

News to the Minute with Lusa | 16:31 – 03/07/2024

Vice President Kamala Harris also attended the meeting and reiterated her commitment to the campaign, seeking to quash discussion about whether Biden should drop out.

Meanwhile, White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients sought to bolster staffers’ spirits in the wake of the debacle that followed the debate and urged them to tune out the noise caused by the president’s poor performance.

Zients quoted the President, who after the debate said that when he is knocked to the ground he gets back up.

The approximately 500 employees heard the chief of staff list the administration’s achievements and underline the importance of governance from now on, with the campaign heating up ahead of the November 5 elections.

The voices calling for Joe Biden to drop out of the race have been growing louder in recent days. The Boston Globe newspaper published an editorial today calling on the President to abandon the race “for the good of the country and his legacy.” Several editorials and opinion pieces have echoed the sentiment.

Doubts are now becoming louder within the Democratic Party itself, after Joe Biden was slow to react and contact senior leaders.

Biden admits rethinking his continued candidacy? White House denies

The news is “absolutely false,” according to a White House spokesperson.

News to the Minute with Lusa | 17:57 – 03/07/2024

That happened this week, with the president speaking privately with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and several lawmakers, including Chris Coons and James Clyburn.

In Washington, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre reiterated that Biden “does not plan at all” to withdraw his candidacy and that he “continues to campaign” and “is in the running.”

Faced with multiple insistences from journalists about the possible resignation of the 81-year-old President, the spokesperson responded “no, not at all”.

“He understands that it is legitimate for people to ask this question, but we cannot forget his record” throughout the last term, he insisted.

Read Also: Biden admits rethinking his continued candidacy? White House denies it

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2591943/ninguem-me-vai-empurrar-para-fora-estou-na-corrida-ate-ao-fim

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