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After treating us with his Reblochon tartlets, Cyril Lignac offers a new recipe that may well become our favorite of the season! In his latest column published on RTL, the French favorite chef revealed a brand new recipe called stracciatella.

But beware “nothing to do with cheese or chocolate chip ice cream” explains the chef! This preparation actually corresponds to a pasta recipe that is made in Rome. This fragrant broth made from vegetables and beef is “super easy to do” assures the cook. “It’s good because it’s tasty, it’s a bit cocooning” he adds. Want to get started ? Here are the steps to follow!

To make this broth for 4 people, you will need:

  • 2 carrots cut into sections
  • 1 onion, peeled and cut into pieces
  • 1 stalk of celery cut into pieces
  • 250 g of beef stir-fry
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 sprig of fresh thyme
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 250 g of riso type dough
  • 40g parmesan
  • Fine salt and freshly ground pepper
  • ½ tsp. teaspoon turmeric

Wash, peel and cut the vegetables into pieces. Brown the carrots, onion and celery in a pot in a good drizzle of olive oil. When all the vegetables are well browned, add water as well as thyme and bay leaf to flavor the broth. Place the beef in the pot and season with salt and pepper and a little turmeric. Let it simmer for at least an hour. Then filter the broth and reserve the pieces of meat and vegetables, removing the aromatics. Reduce the broth “so that there is barely a bottom of the pan left” explains the chef. Like a risotto, then place the pasta in the pan, choosing a small variety so that it cooks quickly. Add an egg yolk and mix well. “It will bind the broth,” explains chef Lignac. Finish with a generous amount of grated parmesan and add a grind of pepper if you like.

The chef recommends consuming this broth with bread, “it’s super delicious”. Enjoy your food !


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