O superintendent of the state of Oklahoma, the person most responsible for education, this Thursday ordered all public schools to teach the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, in an extraordinary measure that blurs the boundaries between religious education and public education.

According to The New Tork Times, Superintendent Ryan Walters, who is a Republican, described the Bible as an “indispensable historical and cultural element” and said it should be taught at certain levels of education.

The move comes a week after Louisiana became the first state to require public schools to post the Ten Commandments in every classroom, a move that was quickly challenged in court. Oklahoma’s directive could also be challenged and is likely to spark the latest conflict over the role of religion in public schools — an issue that has increasingly come to the forefront of the nation.

Efforts to bring religious texts into the classroom are part of a growing national movement to create and interpret laws according to a conservative, Christian worldview.

Oklahoma also sought to become the first state to authorize a religious charter school, which would have funneled taxpayer money to an online Catholic school that was set to open in August. The Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled against the school this week, but the decision is likely to be appealed.

Also Read: US Supreme Court Authorizes Emergency Abortions in Idaho

Source: https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/mundo/2587943/responsavel-pela-educacao-no-oklahoma-exige-que-escolas-ensinem-a-biblia

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