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Like ratatouille, tian is a Provençal specialty that is often prepared in summer. Traditionally composed of slices of eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini and peppers, this dish can be served as a complete dish or as a side dish.

But in this 750 g version, acclaimed by readers, we give pride of place to potatoes! Cooked in a gratin dish with a sauce made from oil, garlic and fresh herbs, this preparation keeps the potatoes tender while making them crispy on top. And as one reader confirms, this recipe is in “one word, sublime” ! Want to try it at home? Get to your stove!

  1. Peel and peel the garlic before chopping it.
  2. Mix the olive oil and garlic in a bowl then add salt, pepper, thyme, oregano and set aside.
  3. Wash and peel the potatoes then cut them into thin slices, preferably using a mandolin.
  4. Reserve them gradually in a bowl of cold water.
  5. Grease a 20 cm long rectangular gratin dish with a brush and the herb garlic oil mixture.
  6. Arrange the potato slices vertically in the dish in 2 rows.
  7. Cover with vegetable stock then add the remaining oily mixture to the surface.
  8. Cover the dish with aluminum foil, place in the oven and cook for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 200°C.
  9. Remove the aluminum foil and continue cooking for around thirty minutes: watch carefully for coloring, the potatoes should be golden brown. If necessary, switch to grill mode for the last 10 minutes.
  10. Stick a knife in the flesh to check the potatoes for doneness and adjust the time accordingly.

Practical, this dish can be enjoyed hot or warm, with a nice piece of meat or even a fillet of fish.


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